Three Reasons Why You Should Consider Dental Veneers

why you should consider dental veneers

Veneers are a versatile dental treatment that can be used to correct a range of problems and improve the overall appearance of your teeth and smile.

Key takeaways:

– Veneers act as a protective layer, reducing sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

– Veneers are a good option if you have stubborn teeth stains.

– If you have several dental problems, veneers can solve or improve them all avoiding multiple treatments.

If this resonates with you, make an appointment with your dentist to get a full assessment and treatment recommendations.

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Common Mistakes When Storing Your Toothbrush

common mistake when storing your toothbrush

Properly storing your toothbrush can help to prevent dental problems like gum disease and tooth decay. Here are common mistakes people make when storing their toothbrushes.

Main points:

– Rinse after use. Always wash your toothbrush thoroughly after use to remove food residue and bacteria.

– Don’t store the toothbrush in the case. Lack of air circulation turns your toothbrush into a bacteria-suitable environment. Let it air-dry.

– Replace your toothbrush every 3 months or when the bristles get frayed.

Consult your dentist on the best toothbrush for your teeth to prevent plaque and infections.

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Things You Can Do To Overcome Dental Phobia

things you do to overcome dental phobia

For many people, going to the dentist is something they’d rather avoid. If your nervousness keeps you from making (and keeping) a dental appointment, you should know that help is available.

Key takeaways:

– Find a dentist you’re comfortable is essential.

– Talk to the dentist about your fears and find ways to feel comfortable.

– Consider sedation to help you relax and even sleep through the procedure.

It’s very important to keep your teeth and mouth in good condition, so you’ll have less chance of developing serious problems.

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Wisdom Tooth Removal? Elevated Head Helps Healing

wisdom teeth removal

Has your dentist recently removed one or more wisdom teeth? While this is a very common procedure, you might experience a certain amount of swelling as your mouth heals. Why should your head remain elevated and how can this help to increase your comfort?

– An elevated head will aid in drainage after the surgery.
– It also helps to increase the blood flow to aid healing.
– As the swelling recedes, any levels of perceived pain will likewise lessen.

“Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a very common procedure that the majority of people have done.”
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Why Aggressive Flossing Can Hurt Your Teeth and Gums

aggressive flossing can hurt your teeth and gums

Flossing can clean your teeth of plaque from places a toothbrush can not reach. It forms part of a good oral health routine, but care should be taken to floss gently.

Key takeaways:

– Being too aggressive when flossing can harm your teeth and gums.

– Your dentist can advise on the best method to floss as part of your routine check-up.

– Flossing once per day is ample, as flossing numerous times a day increases the chance of hurting teeth and gums.

“Allowing floss to get underneath your gumline, especially if it’s in a harsh manner, actually injures your gums. It can cause your gums to bleed in the short term and even worse, can cause them to recede and accelerate gum disease in the long term.”

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What to do if Your Baby Chips a Tooth

what to do if your baby chips a tooth

As babies grow and start to explore the world around them, the risk of a chipped tooth increases. This can be painful for your child and can lead to an infection in the root.

Key takeaways:

– Contact your child-friendly dentist for an appointment as soon as a tooth is chipped.

– Rinse any tooth fragments and store in saliva, milk or water until taken to the dentist.

– Gently rinse your baby’s mouth with warm water, especially if the tooth fragment may still be in the mouth.

“A tooth chip can not only be painful, but can also allow bacteria to enter the tooth root, which can cause an infection and even early tooth loss, which can disrupt the alignment of the adult teeth that will come in in a few years.”

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