Denplan – new patient half price offer


New patients joining our Denplan Essentials cover plan will receive a half price registration appointment (£45 instead of £90)*. This appointment includes a full clinical examination and radiographs as necessary.

They will also get an added benefit of the 5% discount on treatment fees straight away.

*If Denplan is cancelled within 3 months, the  difference between coverage (private fees/Denplan) will need to be paid.

When Should My Child Have Braces?

when should my child have braces

As soon as your child’s permanent teeth come through it’s advisable to get their teeth assessed by the dentist to see if any orthodontic work is required:

– Early assessment of teeth alignment can identify and treat any problems, saving extensive treatment being required later on in life.

– Some orthodontic correction can wait until children are teenagers.

– The average treatment time needed to fix most children’s teeth is just under two years.

The first orthodontist visit should be at age 7, and is usually simple and painless for children, and will involve an exam and some questions, including x-rays. 

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How Dental Health Affects Athletic Performance

how dental health affects athletic performance

Poor dental health can impact on your overall health, including your athletic performance. By looking after your teeth and gums, including regular check-ups with your dentist, you can help your physical performance.

Key takeaways:

  • Tooth decay and gum disease can lead to inflammation in the body, making it hard to maximise athletic performance.
  • Dehydration from sports can cause dry mouth, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Pain from your teeth and gums can affect sporting performance and make it difficult to fully apply yourself to a contest or event.

“Athletes that have existing oral health problems such as tooth decay have a higher chance of sustaining an injury to their smile during their sport or competition.”

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Improve Your Sleep Quality For Better Oral Health

improve your sleep quality

There are several ways to keep your teeth and gums in good shape: good dental hygiene, regular visits to the dentist, and getting enough sleep every night.

Key takeaways:

  • Researchers have found a link between lack of sleep and gum disease.
  • Poor sleep quality is associated with a weaker immune system, which can put you at risk of cavities and oral thrush.
  • Poor sleep quality is also linked to snoring, which causes dry mouth and a higher risk of decay.

If you do snore regularly, and loudly, it’s possible you have a condition called obstructive sleep apnoea. When you have this medical problem, the airway closes off during sleep, causing pauses in breathing that can seriously affect your overall health — including oral health.

Keep a regular sleep schedule to strengthen your immune system and to protect your oral health. If you snore regularly, and wake up gasping for air, talk to your dentist and your doctor about these symptoms — so you can get the treatment you need.

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Top Tips To Prevent Gum Recession

top tips to prevent gum recession

Receding gums is a potentially serious oral health condition that can be caused by genetic and lifestyle factors. Here are some tips on how to prevent it.

Key takeaways:

  • Focus on preventing gum disease through a strict oral hygiene routine and a healthy diet.
  • Visit the dentist regularly. This can help address problems like gum disease, teeth grinding or clenching before they cause gum recession.
  • Brush your teeth gently and use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Although not every case of gum recession can be prevented, there are measures you can take to make your teeth and gums healthier and stronger.

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