What is Laser Dentistry?

what is laser dentistry

Laser dentistry has been developing since the 1990s. It involves a targeted beam of light to perform dental procedures in the mouth.

Key takeaways:

– Lasers can work on precise areas, creating little pain or bleeding.

– Lasers can safely remove gum tissue, tumours and can even be used in teeth whitening.

– Your dentist will provide protective eye wear for the procedure.

Talk to an experience dentist to find out more about laser dentistry.

“…laser dentistry has been around for a few years… find a dentist with experience that can perform laser dentistry for your next procedure!”



What Can You Do About A Chipped Tooth?

what can you do about chipped tooth

Having a chipped tooth can make you feel self-conscious about your smile, but with cosmetic bonding your dentist can restore the affected tooth very quickly. 

Key takeaways:

  • Bonding involves a tooth-coloured resin the dentist shapes to fit your tooth. The process generally requires just one dentist visit. 
  • This is a painless procedure not requiring any anaesthesia.
  • Bonding can prevent the chip from developing into a crack, which can result in complications.
  • It’s a long-lasting solution that doesn’t require special care or maintenance.

Talk to your dentist for a detailed explanation of the procedure and how it can benefit you.

Read the full story here: https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/repair-your-chipped-teeth-with-cosmetic-bonding/

How Is Diabetes Related to Gum Disease?

diabetes related to gum disease

Diabetes is a medical condition that causes the body to not produce or use insulin or blood sugar properly. Diabetes often affects other parts of our body such as our mouths and this relationship often results in gum disease as explained below.

Key takeaways:

  • Diabetes encourages the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth which often results in gum disease.
  • High blood sugar can make gum infection harder to treat.
  • Diabetes can also cause dry mouth which often leads to gum disease.

Brush and floss your teeth twice a day and visit your dentist regularly.



When Wisdom Teeth May Only Partially Erupt

when wisdom teeth may only partially erupt

For most people wisdom teeth come through in the latter stages of their teen years. If wisdom teeth only partially emerge or become trapped beneath the gumline, they will require treatment from your dentist.

Key takeaways:

  • In human evolution, the jaw has become smaller over time and often there is not be enough room for a wisdom tooth to come through properly.
  • Being hard to clean, a partially erupted tooth can lead to an infection which is why it is vital it is assessed by a dentist.
  • Extraction is often the only option, but this is a straightforward procedure which should cause minimal discomfort.

“Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, swelling, and infection. For some people, impacted wisdom teeth may “push” against the neighbouring teeth, affecting tooth alignment.”

Read the full story here


You Need to Know: Plaque

you need to know plaque

Plaque is a combination of saliva, food debris and bacteria. If left to build-up, it can form a hard substance called tartar. Plaque and tartar can damage teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay and gum disease.

Key takeaways:

– Brush and floss twice a day to help remove plaque.

– Tartar needs to be removed professionally by a dentist.

– Bad breath can also be a sign that plaque is building up. 

Regular dental check-ups can prevent plaque build-up and damage to your teeth.

“Even with regular brushing and flossing, plaque can still affect your smile.”

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