What’s Causing a Bad Taste in Your Mouth?

whats causing a bad taste in your mouth

There can be many reasons why you might be experiencing a foul taste within your mouth. In order to appreciate the steps that need to be taken, it is first important to examine a handful of common causes. Here are three scenarios which may play a role:

  • Certain medications can lead to an unpleasant taste.
  • Drinkers and smokes are more likely to notice this condition.
  • Infections of the teeth and gums may likewise play a role.

“If you’ve had a recent head injury, that bad taste in your mouth could be the result of some nerve damage.”

Take a look at when it is wise to see a dentist: https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/whats-leaving-a-bad-taste-in-your-mouth/

Replace A Missing Tooth: Your Options

replace a missing tooth

Losing a tooth is never pleasant but the good news is that there are a number of replacement options available to the modern dentist. Depending on where the missing tooth was located — and overall dental health — the dentist can discuss which replacement option is best suited to your needs. 

Options include:

  • Dental Implant — a natural-looking replacement tooth 
  • Partial Denture — an artificial tooth that is attached to a metal framework
  • Dental Bridge — an artificial tooth supported by neighboring teeth

Each method has its own pros and cons but each will restore the natural feel and colour of real teeth. Dental implant is probably the best option as they have a very high success rate. 

Read more at https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/here-are-your-options-for-replacing-a-lost-tooth/

What You Should Know About Sugar and Your Teeth

what you should know about sugar and your tooth

When you eat sugary foods, the bacteria in your mouth produces acid. This acid attacks the enamel on your teeth and can cause decay, cavities and sensitivity.

Key takeaways:

– Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

– Drink plenty of water during the day to reduce acidity.

– Wait an hour before brushing your teeth to avoid damaging softened tooth enamel.

Sugar affects your general health and your dental health. See your dentist for regular checkups.

“…your dentist is there to help you keep your teeth healthy and minimize sugar’s effect on your smile!”

Read More:


Acid Reflux Affects Your Teeth

acid reflux

Acid reflux causes heartburn, resulting in stomach acids coming up, up, up into the oral cavity. Your dentist will monitor the effects of acid reflux on your teeth during regular dental appointments.

Key takeaways:

  • Stomach acids can erode tooth enamel and lead to tooth sensitivity.
  • Erosion of the tooth enamel may change the appearance of your teeth, including looking yellow or darker in colour.
  • Inform your dentist you have acid reflux, and they can advise you on protecting your teeth and gums.

“You also should never brush your teeth immediately after an episode of heartburn or acid reflux, as it can harm tooth enamel even more.”

Read the full story here


Preventing Bottlemouth Syndrome

preventing bottle mouth syndrome

Bottlemouth syndrome, or baby bottle tooth decay, affects young children who are overexposed to sugar through drinking from a bottle. Sugars contained in drinks turn to acid in the mouth and damage tooth enamel. 

Best practices to avoid bottlemouth syndrome include:

  • Avoid or limit sugary drinks
  • Limit the time spent on a bottle
  • Don’t let baby take a bottle to bed
  • Brush teeth with a mild fluoride toothpaste twice daily

The condition mainly affects the front teeth but can spread to other teeth if not caught and treated early by a dentist who can spot decay early as part of a regular dental check-up routine and take corrective measures. 

Find out more about bottlemouth syndrome at https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/what-is-bottlemouth-syndrome/