When Is A Jawbone Graft Necessary?

jaw graft

A bone graft involves bone or synthetic material to replace or regenerate bone in the jaw. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia. There are a few reasons why your dentist may suggest having a dental bone graft.

Key takeaways:

  • Jawbone grafts are often used to regenerate bone so that dental implants can be inserted successfully when replacing missing teeth.
  • Severe gum disease can harm the jawbone as well as gums and can cause bone loss.
  • Osteoporosis or a jaw injury may cause bone deterioration.

Your dentist can discuss bone grafts and answer any queries. If you are considering dental implants, your dentist may discuss the need for a bone graft too.

“…less jawbone can mean you aren’t a candidate for dental implants….you can dramatically increase the success of your dental implants for a beautiful and natural-looking smile.”

Read the full article here:


How Long Do I Need to Wear My Retainer?

wear retainer

Retainers are part of the treatment process to straighten crooked teeth. Your dentist may recommend that you wear a retainer at night for one year, or indefinitely after the treatment is complete. This helps to maintain your teeth in their new positions.

Key takeaways:

– Teeth continue to shift so a retainer helps keep teeth straight.

– Some people who stop wearing their retainer at night will require further treatment in the future.

– Keep your retainer by your toothbrush to make it part of your nighttime oral care routine.

To ensure that your teeth remain straight and to maintain your new smile, make sure that you follow your dentist’s advice and continue to wear your retainer.

“…wearing your retainer is the best way to keep your smile straight and prevent the need for future treatment.”

Read the full article:


What Causes Receding Gums?

receding gums

You’ve probably noticed your teeth are quite sensitive to hot and cold foods/drinks. These are often symptoms of a condition called receding gums — and below we explain what causes it.

Key takeaways:

• When plaque accumulates around your gum line, gum disease can develop and make the gums pull away (recede). 

• Aggressively brushing your teeth can also make your gums swell and recede. 

• Pregnancy and misaligned teeth can cause gum disease which may later result in receding gums.

Talk to your dentist if you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity. See your dentist every six months so these problems get treated promptly, to avoid further complications.

Read more https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/why-do-gums-recede/

Is there a cure for TMJ?

cure for TMJ

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a disorder that affects the jaw joint, causing pain or discomfort when speaking or chewing. Although TMJ can be chronic, there may be cure for it depending on the root cause.

Key takeaways:

  • TMJ caused by teeth grinding can improve if you address the underlying condition.
  • The same applies if TMJ is the result of an accident, whose effects may improve over time.
  • Treating arthritis can alleviate TMJ symptoms.

If you experience jaw pain that extends to the teeth or mouth, don’t hesitate to visit your dentist.

Read the full story here: https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/can-tmj-be-cured/

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